Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Right To Recall: Need of Hour

Right To Recall has a very old history. Vedic texts mention so called Gram Sabha and Nagar Sabha in which every citizen was member, and these Sabha had procedure to expel Village and Town chiefs. RTR was widely used in Greece 2500 years ago — the towns had procedure to expel kings and they also had Juries of 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 to decide crimes against officers. More senior the officer, bigger the Jury.
RTR re-appeared in UK in 950 AD in form of Jury System. UK started a Jury System where in an accused policeman will face a Jury of 12 randomly chosen citizens and the citizens can expel him.And most extensive use of RTR is done by USA. In USA citizens have procedure to expel Mayor, District Police Chief, District Education Officer, MLA, Governor etc. And so corruption in police is very very low. In fact, only reason why corruption in US police is so low is because citizens of US have procedures to expel District Police Chief. And we citizens in India cant expel District Police Chief, and so some 80% to 90% DPCs have become corrupt.
Likewise, corruption in CMs of India is higher than Governors of US because citizens in US have RTR Governor.
Now when it comes to RTR-CM, RTR-PM, RTR-RBI-Governor etc, the most important thing is exact draft of the proposed procedure. Without draft, one can speak and discuss endlessly and not move an inch ahead. The drafts must be flawless or at least have less flaws than existing procedures.
The crusade launched by Gandhian Social activist Anna Hazre against corruption has not only galvanized the entire nation against this scourge but has also proved the might of people's voice. One of the most important outcome of this movement is the awakening generated among the youth of this country for active participation in national issues. So far this vital section of the nation had adopted a passive attitude towards national issues.
One of the most effective tool to check corruption and the corrupt politicians is the right to recall from public offices like Panchayats and Legislatures by the electorates. This is practiced in a few democratic countries of the world to a great advantage .This keeps the elected representatives on high alert and only the honest and upright persons choose to stand for elections. Anna Hazare had pointed towards the need for this provision but not so effectively. Now that a non-political movement for cleansing the system has been launched and is in full swing, it will be appropriate to include this demand also before the enthusiasm subsides.


Bageshwar P Narain said...

Very informative.
Thanks for sharing it Asheesh.

pansome* said...

nice one!

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