Friday, August 5, 2011

Thank God They Are Not CREATIVE

My day starts early by cosmos standard and the first know-by-face person I meet is a lady that sweeps the pedestrian way through which I jog. She does her job in the most un-creative way one can. Starts from same end and ending at same, piles up the kuda at the same place and guess what dump it in the same very dust-bin. So very repetitive, no fun. And on the same pathway, I try to jog by million a way. Sometime sprint, sometime side-hop other time back-side, because ‘m creative you see.

Off to the park for some perspiring. And I meet the gardener doing his job the same way for ages. He always rolls the garden from left to right, never try the other way. The Serbs remains in the same shape all their lifetime courtesy to him. He plants the same type of sapling every rains, never try to be differentt. On the other side, since last 4-5 years everyday, at least I spend my two minutes of my day thinking had this bench been there it would had been better. Or had this tree not been here it would had made the perfect view. Again imaginativity, you see.

Few hours late in office, I meet the Housekeeping Lady. She spent all her day in the pantry, same as ever, probably from the times of Napoleons. She does the same job (cleaning slab, washing cup, dumping waste) same way everyday. No change in the routine. Not at All. But I, yes you guessed it right, being innovative do the same thing in hundred uncertified way. Someday washing cups for myself, other day sliding from one end to other of the slab (whenever ‘m in rolling mood) ultimately to land it in sink. And when time permits, putting all my knowledge of projection physics and dynamics to make the paper-plate- turned-ball into the bin.  Needless to say, I want it different everyday.

I case you have been more than confused by now, all I wanted to say to all those who believe that had not the man been creative (I also part of this mass) man would have remained apes. Pal, you are wrong, you can stand and proudly boast of being innovative is because of millions of people like them who have chosen to be uncreative only to hold your base tight. Had they been there to hold the ground intact, your glasshouse of innovatively had never been here. It’s only because these happy-doing-same-things people, you get space to try new. Had all apes gone out to do thing their way, leaving of making up to manship, I doubt if we could have managed to remain ape itself.      

Had not people like them confined themselves to being repetitive, probably you would have never got a ground to sketch your creative world (imagine the world where everyone tried to do everything differently everyday). So next time you conclude being creative, spare a second to thanks all those who chose not to be as creative as you. 

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